In a Drivers Guild Victory, There Will Be No Congestion Tax Directly on Rideshare Drivers Though Concerns Remai

Excerpt from Rockland/Westchester Journal News:
The Independent Drivers Guild, the nation’s largest rideshare driver advocacy organization, lobbied against the original congestion pricing plan to tax rideshare drivers directly rather than the customers.
“It made no sense to tax the for-hire drivers when it is the riders who elect to enter the congestion zone, and we are pleased that the officials listened,” said Brendan Sexton, president of the Independent Drivers Guild, a Machinists Union affiliate representing and advocating for New York City’s 80,000 Uber and Lyft drivers.
Sexton said the guild still has “concerns about the disparate impacts the final plan is expected to have on the rideshare industry and the livelihood of 80,000 New Yorkers.
“We will closely monitor the impacts of this new policy on working families to make sure for-hire vehicles aren’t paying more than our fair share,” Sexton said. “We also continue to urge the MTA and New York leaders to fix the disparities in the toll rates between yellow cabs and rideshare.”
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