Good News: Uber will Contribute to Unemployment Insurance for New York State Drivers for the First Time in United States History

This November, Governor Kathy Hochul revealed an unparalleled settlement agreement between Uber Technologies Incorporated and the New York State Department of Labor that settles both historical and future unemployment insurance payments for Uber and Uber Eats drivers and couriers.
Under the terms, Uber will start making quarterly contributions to the New York State Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund along with a retroactive payment to the Fund for monies owed dating back to 2013. New York is leading the way with an agreement addressing both past and prospective unemployment insurance liabilities.
Companies pay into the State’s UI Trust Fund quarterly, funding benefits disbursed to jobless workers. The NYSDOL and Uber agree eligible drivers and couriers should receive advantages, and Uber should contribute to the State’s UI Trust Fund on their behalf.
Further specifics, including the total dollar sum of the settlement, cannot be publicly revealed due to federal and state laws and rules restricting the disclosure of private unemployment insurance information, such as details about an employer’s unemployment insurance account.
Need more information on the November 2023 Settlement and Claims? See our Claims page for details.