
There are two types of members in the Independent Drivers Guild,
informed members and full members. Here’s how it works.

All For-Hire Vehicle workers that work with companies we have negotiated representation with have access to basic membership in the Guild. Currently, that includes all of New York City’s nearly 80,000 drivers who use the Uber and Lyft app. All you need to do is register with us in the member portal using your TLC license number and the phone number associated with your company account. This gets you access to a number of benefits. You can elect to upgrade your membership at any time.
$12 / month
Full members pay $12 monthly either through their personal accounts or through payroll deduction with Uber. Full members are the power and resource we need to build worker power and win a driver-friendly For-Hire Vehicle industry. Becoming a full member tells elected officials, and company management: we stand with the IDG, we stand in solidarity, and we’re ready to fight. Full members have a host of special privileges and access. Only full members can serve on our committee and be a representative at the Works Council meetings with company management, and more. As our full membership grows, so will our bargaining power to win even more of the critical group benefits drivers want at lower prices.